To understand God and His ways is to see great hope even in the time of darkness when you see no hope. The pattern first and foremost of God is to always bring His Light out of our darkness if we only trust in what Christ did for us on the cross.
This pattern starts with Christ himself. In Mark 15 we see at the moment of his death upon the cross three hours of literal complete darkness that came upon the whole planet. Yet from this darkness or his death and suffering came His victory over sin and death. Isaiah looked forward to this:
Isa 60:2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
You may be thinking “How does this apply to my current crises?” It has great implications! When you and I see only darkness and no ray of hope in our prodigal spouses, take heart, for the Lord’s victory is underway! The Jewish day begins at sundown rather than sunrise, because this is the pattern Lord is trying to show us. When it is most dark, His work of redemption is going on.
See Also:
Man’s Hour of Darkness is God’s Hour of Power by David Wilkerson